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Transformers Armada
The Toys

[ Price summary | Toy availability ]

[ Mini-Cons | Super-Cons | Max-Cons | Giga-Cons | Super Base ]

Super Base

Recommended retail prices.
Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
499 DKK 583 NOK 615 SEK 65 EUR

Optimus Prime Note: Optimus Prime has only started to appear in the toy stores (September 2003).
Optimus Prime, super robot 

Optimus Prime, robot mode 

Optimus Prime features electronic lights and sounds, plus radio-controlled transformations.

When the truck cab is changed into a robot, the truck trailer opens up into a Mini-Con base station all by itself! When Optimus Prime is transformed into the torso part of Optimus' super robot mode, the base station raises up automatically to become the legs of the super robot. The auto-transformation also works in the other direction - when Optimus is transformed from robot to truck cab, the base station closes up to form the truck trailer all by itself.

The Mini-Con base station has ramps, firing stations, runways and storage areas for Mini-Con figures.

Optimus Prime can combine with Jetfire to create Jet Prime.

 Optimus Prime, battle 

                    station mode
 Jet Optimus

Thanks to Hasbro Nordic A/S for providing most of the photos!

This page was created by Lars Eriksson,
The last revision was made on Saturday, July 5, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is not created or run by either Hasbro, Kenner, Takara, Marvel Comics, Dreamwave Productions, Devil's Due Publishing, Titan Books, DK Publishing, IDW Publishing, Atari, Melbourne House, DreamWorks SKG, Paramount Pictures, or any other company whose characters or products are mentioned on the website. It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyrights and trademarks of these companies; it has been created for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Webmaster: Lars Eriksson,